coLiberate ventures

Helping mid- to high-level ​managers transition out of the ​9-5 into high-ticket consulting


Productize your ​Experience

Use your existing skills + experience to create a ​ready-to-sell high-ticket consulting offer so you ​can sign up your first clients 🌱



Person in the Woods

Our Belief

We believe everyone has the potential to contribute to humanity in a meaningful way while living life on their own terms, and we believe the path of solopreneurship is a great opportunity for more freedom, authenticity, financial abundance, and impact!

This is our path to coLiberation.

Who We Are

Diara Parker


Diara has held leadership + consultant roles for impact-driven companies within both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors for the last decade, and has been a location-independent business owner since 2019.

Prior to beginning her entrepreneurial journey, she worked 50+ hours / week and completely burnt out hustling within spaces that didn’t align with her passions or leverage her full range of skills + expertise. This eventually sparked her 2021 move to Lisbon, Portugal - sight unseen - to embark on a new, more aligned and wellness-centered life journey, which literally. changed. everything!

Fast forward to now, Diara has two location-independent consulting businesses and works whenever + wherever she wants doing what she loves, all without sacrificing financial abundance. She values co-creation + liberation and is passionate about supporting other impact-driven humans from around the world in creating the life they desire + deserve!

Jan Trautwein


Jan has been location-independent for the last 5 years providing business + mindset coaching to (aspiring) entrepreneurs and organizational leaders. He has delivered over 2000 hours of coaching and specializes in helping his clients overcome their fears and insecurities so they have the confidence and clarity to pursue their dreams.

Before getting into coaching, Jan co-founded a tech startup based in Germany and joined another startup as COO in the Netherlands. Now, he’s expanded his business coaching through the co-creation of Liberated Business Blueprint with his life - and now business - partner, Diara.

Jan has lived in 8 different countries in the last 5 years and is passionate about human transformation, entrepreneurship as a path to freedom, psychedelics and the evolution of consciousness.

Client Love

“I made 17k€ in only 2 months ​of the [3-month] program ​[and made another 7k€ a few ​weeks later.]”

“I was convinced that you guys ​would be the right people for me ​because you have structure, ​you’re grounded, you’ve done it ​with other people, you understand ​freelancing, you’re part of this new, ​regenerative mindset, you’re ​thorough and you have a high ​excellency standard,

I made 17k€ in only 2 months of the ​[3-month] program [and made ​another 7k€ a few weeks later.]. To ​anyone considering going ​freelance, there's no better way ​than working with you guys. You ​were really co-founders and walked ​the walk with me!“

Alexandre Karim (Netherlands)

Product Strategy Advisor

“I’ve made now 10x my investment!”

“To be strictly honest, I was super skeptical about coaching before meeting them. I thought I could do everything myself and I didn’t think I needed help. But then when it came to getting my own company, I panicked a bit because I was lost and didn’t know where to start.

So I signed up for the program as a beta tester and it changed everything! I made my investment back in 3 months and now I’ve signed more than 10 other contracts and it keeps growing. I’ve made now 10x my investment.

They provided templates and tools to help me setup and organize my workload. They’ve been incredibly consistent with the support, guidance, and tips, both from a mindset and business perspective.

I’m really really grateful for this program. It was the missing piece in my journey. Thank you, Diara and Jan!

Working with you was the best decision I made this year.”

Charlotte Beaulat-Clément (France)

Fitness + Wellness Consultant

“I signed up my first two clients and made my initial investment back before the program was even over!”

“LBB provided me with fantastic accountability and support that I needed to get my program off the ground. I'd been sitting on the idea for a moment, but procrastination and fear kept me from taking action.

LBB was exactly what I needed to keep me accountable, get into the right headspace and get it done! LBB was well structured, meticulously organised, and easy to follow and implement.

I signed up my first two clients and made my initial investment back before the program was even over! I'd highly recommend LBB to anyone working on launching their own coaching program.

Komal Kaur (Indonesia)

Women’s Empowerment Mentor

“LBB had a clear, concise, and simple framework that allowed me to birth this baby from a fantasy to a tangible existing program that I started leading clients through before LBB was even over!”

“I had a strong sense and the shape of the offer i wanted to put together for at least one year but I could never seem to find the time to put my head down and do it.

LBB had a clear, concise, and simple framework that allowed me to birth this baby from a fantasy to a tangible existing program that I started leading clients through before LBB was even over!

My biggest takeaway was that I kept saying I don’t think i’m ready, I need this and that first but LBB helped me just prototype and get going and learn on the way rather than keep staying stuck in a forever maybe zone.

Hen/i (Germany / Italy)

Embodiment + Neural

Manifestation Guide

“LBB helped me build a strong consulting program and provided sales frameworks that allow me to sign up clients whenever I want!”

“I was hesitant to sign up for LBB at first, because taking the leap into working for myself seemed scary. However, Diara and Jan welcomed my discomfort, and in addition to offering practical tools and principles to stand up a consulting business, they created a safe space to navigate that fear at its source.

My mindset was challenged, and that shifted my perspective on success, freedom, wellness, and my capabilities.

While I didn't finish the program due to a change in my full-time job, LBB helped me build a strong consulting program and provided sales frameworks that allow me to sign up clients whenever I want. I see now why it’s called the Liberated Business Blueprint!

C. (United States)

Fundraising + Strategic

Partnerships Consultant

“Without reservation, I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone seeking to establish a successful, location-independent business.”

“Diara and Jan's Liberated Business Blueprint (LBB) program has been a revolutionary turning point in my journey towards self-employment.

The LBB program weaves together strategic guidance and mindset development, refining not only my business sense but also granting me deep insights into myself. What really sets this program apart is its immersive nature - it's not your standard business-building course. It encompasses incredible supportive accountability partners, a straightforward and comprehensible structure, practical tools for tracking progress, and a wealth of additional resources.

Throughout the program, I cultivated priceless connections and gained the confidence to boldly share my business objective and services within my network which immediately yielded positive feedback and inquiries from individuals eager to collaborate.

My newfound self-assurance and sense of direction can be entirely attributed to the influence of Jan and Diara's LBB program. Without reservation, I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone seeking to establish a successful, location-independent business.”

Claudia Groessing (Austria)

Business Advisor + Strategist

“I have already made my investment back with my first client.”

“I recently just finished up with Jan's coaching program and I have already made my investment back with my first client.

I came across Jan and I just really liked his authentic style of coaching. I liked that he focused mostly on holistic mindset and that was exactly what I needed was to have somebody hold me accountable, to stay focused and committed to the niche that I decided on because I was having a lot of shiny object syndrome.

He really cares about his clients. He helped me get really clear on what my goals were. And exactly how to create a plan to execute them and I'm really satisfied with what we have accomplished in a short period of time.”

Lucas Widdes (USA)

Copywriting + Marketing Consultant

“ I have the confidence to continue charting my own path.”

“Diara's grounding and magnetic presence helped me unlock something she assured was within me already. She helped me believe in my own worth, and to celebrate it. To lean into what felt hard, and find joy in it. What I love about our time together is that it never felt one-sided; I felt like I had a co-conspirator. I'm so grateful for that gift because now I have the confidence to continue charting my own path.”

I cannot recommend her more highly!“

Jenna Gormal (USA)

Public Policy Director

“After only one call with Diara, I'm thrilled to report that I've just received my first waitlist subscriber for my beta program!”

“Being a new entrepreneur, I reached out to Diara for help with clarifying my offer and structuring my program. I must say, working with her was an absolute pleasure.

During our call, Diara provided me with some incredibly valuable insights that helped me better understand my target audience. She dedicated ample time to understand my goals and vision for the project, and I truly appreciated her patience and attentiveness.

Since our conversation, I've implemented some of the actionable steps that Diara recommended. I'm currently working on the four phases of my e-course, and her strategy is a game-changer. After only one call with Diara, I'm thrilled to report that I've just received my first waitlist subscriber for my beta program! This is a significant accomplishment for me, and I couldn't have achieved it without Diara's guidance.

Overall, I genuinely appreciated Diara's expertise, professionalism, and kindness throughout the co-creation process. She made the experience of working with her a positive one, and I feel much more confident and supported as I move forward with my project.”

Ana Price (USA)

Deaf Accessibility + Support Consultant

“My sessions with Jan gave me clarity and new insights into...communicating clearly my service and focusing my time and energy where it is most effective."

“Jan is a highly-intuitive coach. He has a broad knowledge of different approaches and tools and is ready to ask the tough questions and to challenge you to really think deeply…and to act.

My sessions with Jan gave me clarity and new insights into my mindset toward money and financial abundance, communicating clearly my service and focusing my time and energy where it is most effective.

I cannot recommend him more highly!“

Helen Perks (UK)

International Permaculture Practitioner

“I have gained practical tools to further my journey as a social entrepreneur.”

“Diara's approach to driving change is truly exceptional. She combines deep empathy with strategic thinking, creating a fun, inclusive environment for all involved. Her facilitation style is second to none, effortlessly fostering open dialogue, playful curiosity, and encouraging diverse perspectives.

When collaborating with Diara, I feel empowered, heard, and inspired to be an agent of positive change for myself, my customers, and community. I have learned invaluable lessons on how to create thriving teams and have gained practical tools to further my journey as a social entrepreneur.”

Nick Lombardino (USA)

Serial Entrepreneur + University Faculty - Social Entrepreneurship + Small Business Management

“[Diara’s] advice was ​concrete and practical when ​it came to figuring out how to ​productise my services”

“Diara was such a pleasure to ​collaborate with. Not only was she ​very friendly and knowledgeable, but ​her advice was concrete and ​practical when it came to figuring ​out how to productise my ​services. It's clear that she's truly ​passionate about what she does!

I would highly recommend Diara to ​anyone who is looking to turn their ​existing skills and experience into ​something they can sell as a ​consultant or coach”

Luca de Felice (Switzerland)

DevOps Engineer | Performance Coach




co Li ber ate

/ kəˌlɪbəˈreɪt / v

A semantic fusion of co-create and liberate




To jointly engage in the act of setting free

The ongoing process of creating, transforming, or transitioning towards freedom, independence, and empowerment

Are you...

A mid- to high-level manager who’s ready

to leave the 9-5 behind?

We’ve got just the thing for you.